Sunday, 27 November 2011


Let's start off by saying I like hugs. A lot. I think there's a time and a place for hugs, and the world would be a sad place if there were no hugs. I like to hug friends I haven't seen in a while. I like to hug people when they have good news or sad news. But I think some hugs are weird.

On Friday night I went out to dinner with some people I work/worked with. It was great to catch up with everyone (well most of them lol), and it was a really pleasant night. The thing I thought was weird was that everyone had to go around the table and hug everyone when they arrived, and then there were big hugs again at the end. We are not a staff who hug every day at work, and few of us would say we are actually friends (there are some exceptions there so please, no hurt feelings lol). But my point is, why do we hug as if we are long lost best friends when we go out for dinner on Friday night, but tomorrow morning when we go back to work, I'd be considered a weirdo if I walked in and went for a cuddle with each and every staff member I came across during the day! I'm tempted to do it just to prove my point.

I understand the cultural thing of kissing on the cheek when saying hello or goodbye, but I think this huggy thing is completely different, and weird.

That's all.

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